What is Fab Academy?
How to Make (Almost) Anything

Fab Academy is a Digital Fabrication program directed by Neil Gershenfeld of MIT’s Center For Bits and Atoms and based on MIT’s rapid prototyping course, MAS 863: How to Make (Almost) Anything.

The Fab Academy at the Green Fab Lab specializes in the use of digital fabrication tools to enharnce the Self Sufficient estate of Can Valldaura.  By making considered design choices and fabricating objects and devices for human and ecological habitats of the 130 hactare forest.  Together with the vision, inventory and knowhow of the Fab Lab Barcelona, the Fab City project and the IAAC school of Architecture.

The Fab Academy offers a 5 month program on digital fabrication, and it could be taken in any of the participating labs. The Fab Academy offers Certificates on relevant technical topics, and a Diploma aimed at vocational and technical training for employment and investment (along with assistance to its graduates in those areas). Fab Academy Certificates provide familiarity with technical options and capabilities, hands-on experience, and direction for further study. Each requires, and is evaluated by, developing and documenting projects. They are periodically renewed to reflect best practices. Each Certificate typically requires one week. They are combined in the Diploma, which is roughly comparable to completing MIT’s rapid-prototyping course ‘How To Make (almost) Anything’. Progress is evaluated by skills and projects rather than time or credits.

During this 5 month part-time program, students learn how to envision, prototype and document their projects and ideas through many hours of hands-on experience with digital fabrication tools, taking a variety of code formats and turning them into physical objects.


? Fab Academy BCN tuition fee: 5000€
– See more at: http://fablabbcn.org/fab_academy.html#sthash.Y1I0RuOD.dpuf